How Pets Are Great For Our Mental Health
After months of isolation and lockdown, many of us have sat at home with only our furry friend for company. Through regular walks and playtime, having a pet in our lives can keep us healthy and active keeping our minds and bodies fighting fit. Time with our canine companions or feline friends is so precious and can genuinely provide a great mental boost no matter what we might be feeling.
Our Best Friends
Whether you are living alone or with someone else, your pet can honestly be one of the best companions you could ever wish for. Whilst living alone, daily routines can become monotonous and boring if done alone. Having a pet by your side, who wants to help whenever they can, can be the driving force behind finding daily chores a whole heap of fun.
With your furry friend perched by your side when doing the washing up, cooking or even watching your favourite box set on the TV, having a companion to spend daily life can be the mental boost you need if you are experiencing feelings of loneliness. With a pet, you are never alone. Wanting to be with you at every moment of the day, these cuddly companions, really do provide bucket loads of unconditional love and support that can really make your life positive for the better.

Safe Snuggles
According to science, cuddling stimulates the release of serotonin and dopamine, the transmitters responsible for keeping depression at bay, making us feel happier. The act of holding and stroking your pet is a massively effective way to combat stress and anxiety as it creates a calming effect to help you focus on the present moment.
Cuddling your pet can also boost their mental health in addition to your own. Our pets often rely on cuddles to express thoughts, feelings and emotions and use a cuddle to communicate their own anxieties which are eradicated with a hug from their owner. With positive effects for yourself and your pet, a cuddle a day can really make the difference to both yours and your pet’s mental health.

Encouraging Exercise
As many of us know, exercise is an effective tool in boosting the way our mind works. With physical exercise great in improving mood, self-esteem and goal-setting drives, taking a daily walk, run or even hitting the gym can have a massive impact on improving our mental health.
For all you dog lovers out there, we know how important it is to exercise our four-legged friends. Whether it is playtime in the house, garden or outdoors, giving our pets the exercise they need is significant in keeping their bodies fighting fit. Those with active dogs such a collies, spaniels and Labradors etc. are beyond familiar with how significant exercise is for our pets. With certain breeds being more active than others, taking your pet for a day walk is not just fun but highly essential.
Spending time with your pet outdoors can really be the boost in mood you need. In addition to improving your cardiovascular help, taking a lengthy walk with your four-legged friend can actually solidify the bond between you and give your pet the fun they need whilst you’re right there alongside them.